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Esoterci Pendants  Esoterci Pendants
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products) Result Pages:  1 
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 Ancient CImaruta  Ancient CImaruta 
Pendant made of lost wax casting ,925 silver.
Completely handcrafted.
Dimensions 3.8 x 4 cm
Weight 50 g

This is the most ancient italian Cimaruta described in the Doreen Valiente book "ABC of Wi[...]
 $97.47  Buy Now   0.00 
 Andras sword  Andras sword 
Costruction: SIlver 925 , hand crafted Stones: onix, ametist, red stone Dimension: h 5 cm
 $42.64  Buy Now   0.00 
 Ankh cross  Ankh cross 
 $36.55  Buy Now   0.00 
 Ankh cross II  Ankh cross II 
 $36.55  Buy Now   0.00 
 Cimaruta  Cimaruta 
The cimaruta or cima di ruta, is a beautiful and unusual amulet belonging to the Italian witch tradition.
The pendant is silver 925 made, fully hand finished .
The weight is 11.5 g
Dimensions 5x5 c[...]
 $85.29  Buy Now   0.00 
 Horus eye  Horus eye 
925 Silver, dimension 1,7x1,7 cm
 $30.46  Buy Now   0.00 
 Isis  Isis 
 $30.46  Buy Now   0.00 
 Magic triangle Abracadabra  Magic triangle Abracadabra 
 $36.55  Buy Now   0.00 
 Maleventum  Maleventum 
Costruction: SIlver 925 hand crafted, with black burnishing. Stones: red stone or Black Onix Dimension: 2,5 x 1,5 cm
 $42.64  Buy Now   0.00 
 Mandrake  Mandrake 
 $91.38  Buy Now   0.00 
 Moon  Moon 
Costruction: Silver 925, hand crafted Dimension: diameter 2,5 cm
 $36.55  Buy Now   0.00 
 Ouijaboard  Ouijaboard 
Ouijaboard pendant, silver 925 Dimensions 3x2,3 cm With silver neackle 50 cm included
 $79.20  Buy Now   0.00 
 Owl  Owl 
 $36.55  Buy Now   0.00 
 Salem Cross  Salem Cross 
Costruction: SIlver 925, hand crafted. Ancient style with black burnishing Dimension: Diameter: 2 cm
 $36.55  Buy Now   0.00 
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products) Result Pages:  1 
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01.Magic triangle Abracadabra
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